Thursday, May 01, 2008

May Day Mr. Man Style

When Mr. Man met up with me after work today, he had a lovely piece of work in his hands - a river model that he and a friend made at school.

He decided that he wanted to spend his night attending the May Day Worker's March that started just 2 blocks from my office. We went up the the rally area and hung out. When someone brought Obama posters, he went nuts. He and his friend at school are crazy about Obama. He quickly jumped down and grabbed one of the signs. I suggested he try to attach it to his river model so that he only had one thing to carry. He marched over to a table and asked the kind old woman advocating immigration rights for some tape--and attached the sign to his river model.

He resumed his perch and proudly proclaimed that he has the highest Obama sign in the rally. He also made his first media appearance and talked to a woman from KBOO radio. She asked why he was at the march and he said, "I'm here because I think workers should have choices and rights."

We marched and chanted through downtown. It was his first official "Si, Se Puede!" At the tail end of the march, someone handed me a flier for a May Day festival/party happening after the rally with kids activities and free food. Mr. Man was game, especially since it involved a pinata. But there were other cool things, like making floral crowns.

Happy Beltane! Happy May Day!